The Phone of the Wind (2020)



7.2 2013

Both stories are about a girl who went back to her hometown years after Tohoku earthquake. Both girls met people who accompanied them as they reflect on the memories their loved ones left behind.
If you liked One Day, You Will Reach the Sea, you might like The Phone of the Wind. Both has a genre of drama and a story that displays of intense emotion and experiences on how the characters can move on after someone you love disappeared. These movies also tackles about the lives of the ones who still has trauma to what happen in Great East Japan Earthquake and the massive tsunami. One Day, You Will Reach the Sea, was about friendship while The Phone of the Wind was all about family.
The documentary featured the telephone booth in Otsuchi that was built a year before 2011 Tohoku earthquake. A resident of the town who set up the booth in a hilltop garden built it as a way to cope with a lost relative. After the catastrophe, it was opened to the public who need an outlet to deal with the tragic loss. This place has inspired the film to follow the sentiments of the survivors. It's about a girl who lost her family went back to her hometown. Along the way, she met different people who shared the same bereavement, and when she discovered the booth, she expressed her struggles and how she realized the value of living.