My Roommate Is a Detective (2020)


- both dramas are set in the republic period - both dramas arguably feature a bromance - both dramas deal with mysteries however, Tientsin mystic has supernatural elements in it, and imo the mysteries are more interesting because of that. both dramas have lots of smaller mysteries and a bigger conspiracy behind the events. Tientsin Mystic is a bit of a darker drama though.
Similar relationship between two detective one older than the other Both Bromance dramas Both have their funny episodes the crimes aren't that serious or gore or violent Bothe are light hearted dramas for bromance fans
If u (by any chance )want to see it's Chinese version then "My Roommate Is a Detective" has the same plot. It's the exact copy of "Secret Royal Inspector".
set in a similar era. the 2 male leads meet each other and they help each other to solve crimes. has a bromance feel towards the 2 male leads. 1 is an actual detective and the other is just a helper/consultant. they gain popularity through the cases they work.
Both dramas have male leads who work together to tackle corrupt individuals and organisations whilst also revealing their back story and growing friendship. The bond between the two main characters is similar, the storyline is similar, the period is similar.
Both are similar but are in different time periods. -find out who the killer is -have great profiling skills -ml have different characters

7.9 2020

-Similar story setting -Same thing it is a detective drama -Has a story line of Crime and investigation. -if you like this dramas then this the truth is another option. -Both are Detective Dramas -Solving crimes and figuring out who is the culprit.
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide