Cross Fire (2020)


Both deal with gaming. Both shows has some common points like dealing with teams and comradeship. But king's avatar deals mostly with only gaming and nothing else specially no romance... Cross fire has other elements like sci.fic
Both are based on team games and comradeship They deal with teams their progress in building trust, relationship Gank your heart has very good bromance and beautiful chemistry between ML and SML ....
It's a similar e-sport series to each other . If you like crossfire then you will also like falling into your smile
Go Go Squid!

8.4 2019

It's about game, two Alpha Males, intense competition, e-sports and how they started to informing us that there were things like this, that lately been booming again, bit like informing that these e-Sports were famous and widely known in China from years ago and also the most important message about both of the dramas is about If You Are Believe in Yourself, You Can Do It.
It's similar from the game aspect and how it can affect the players of this game,, How dangerous it can be and How it can change the person's life

8.4 2017

Both Cross Fire and Circle have similar approaches between the two different timelines. The way Cross Fire simultaneously talks about two characters in two timelines is similar to how Circle handles their timelines. Furthermore, both dramas talk about a criminal case that cross between their drama's two timelines . Both timelines end up contributing to the case and story as a whole.
both dramas have: - fantasy genre by breaking through the age difference - must complete the mission to return to the original time - deep sense of friendship by the roles - contains the struggle to save anyone dream
Both talk about e-sports, crossfire reminds me of the same way, because there’s an older guy that been years on the “field” that happens to interacts with a younger one that wants to enter this field. Although it’s not that focus on romance like OWAB it’s very good, it’s more focus on their grown as people and players.
Love Crossed

8.0 2021

They are very different, but involve: Games.. betrayal.. friendship and one strange game..consuming all of the players. Both series have a great villain whom raises by betraying the people closer to him and believing that they betrayed him first. Both have a nice friendship by man.
The Player

7.1 2021

—cross world traveller —fantasy x gaming —no romance —friendship —popular leads ig (if that's even similar)
Love Scenery

8.4 2021

They are similar in terms of how the drama or gaming is shown. It kinda looks like virtual reality. Both the dramas have their differences as in terms of their plot and character's behaviors and the actually purpose of the story but both revolve around gaming and have their own comedic factors. Both the ML's in them are smart and popular in their own way and I find that they are entertaining in their own respective ways.
Racket Boys

8.7 2021

Both Youth dramas with tournaments and the journey of achieving goals Winning is not the goal but having good friends that back you up every step of the way is the most important message in both of them Both have amazing Values to every young man and woman in competitive field no matter what the kind of the sport is ,, it's the same
Gaming Althou Cross Fire is more e-sports and traveling in time and friends. And not so much about love.
Hikaru no Go

8.8 2020

The friendships, familial affection, humour and character growth that made Hikaru no Go the best Chinese drama of the year can also be found in here, but to a lighter extent. But most of all, the thrill of competing in championships,...the risk, the courage, the disappointments and the adrenaline rush that go hand in hand with these high-risk gaming competitions...those wonderful instances that make it clear how invested you are in the lives of these'll find them in Cross Fire. PS: Two hot guys to drool over, if you need an added incentive...
They both have the element of two people communicating across different timelines and trying to prevent something in the past of the future protag from happening and achieving something in the future of the past protag.