Kill It (2019)


My Name

8.7 2021

Although the setting is a bit different both Drama still give off a very similar feel and both will take you through an emotional roller coaster. My Name and Kill It portray a protagonist who choses to join some underground business due to a traumatic past/event in order to achieve their goals. While the motives at first seems different for these two I think there are still many similarities you will notice as you keep watching.

8.4 2017

(Will contain spoilers) Similar: -Major Character Death's -Crime Dramas -Cops in both -One character walks the line between being good & bad -Child Abuse, adoption, selling organs/children Not Similar: -Duel involves clones -While Duel has clones one is good, however the other is bad (but can be seen as good) whereas Kill It's main male lead is the one who is bad (but can be seen as good) -Female Lead is the cop in Kill It, Male Lead is the cop in Duel -Duel has a more fantasy/science-fiction feel to it whereas Kill It is more realistic

8.4 2021

Both the males are wanted criminals One is a spy while the other is an assassin Hidden identity Angsty dark vibed Action thrillers Romance is a subplot in both (almost nill in Kill it though) Not to forget PAPER PLANES which have a lot of significance in the couples life Spoilers** Tragic ending for the ML’s in both

8.4 2017

Both are OCN dramas that are dark, intense and touch upon medical ethics. Both dramas are not suitable to be view by younger children.
Both dramas discuss about child abuse, and are not suitable for younger children to watch. You feel pity for both killers and question whether they're actually evil despite the fact that they are both murderers.
Cruel City

8.5 2013

Kill it gives me that same angsty dark vibed crime genre. Both male leads are not a simple good or bad type? And both female leads are cops and strong
City Hunter

8.3 2011

It just feels like its the same aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 100
Kill it is also a very suspenseful and thrilling drama, where the FL is also a detective that chases after an assassin, the ML.

8.5 2015

Both dramas are about two people who share a dark childhood. The main characters are both a police officer and someone involved in the underworld. In Ouroboros, the mains are secretly working together for revenge while in Kill It they are unaware of their shared past and are on opposite sides of a case.

8.9 2021

Both the dramas have good person killing bad people. Both in vincenzo and kill it, the male lead was adopted by a foreigner and grew in foreign country. Both of them grew up learning how to kill people.
Like, at first, while watching the negotiation,i was expecting some romance eventho i know its near impossible. This movie had the same vibes. Slight romance (near zero) with 'police-criminal' main lead. And the ending was pretty similar.
Both portray a killer under the guise of a regular person. Kill It is definitely darker but both leads are trying to use their own methods to do the right thing
Both Kill it and A love to kill involve revenge to an extent and both of the dramas have similar endings.

7.8 2019

Kill It airs in the same time slot as Trap, and it might be part of OCN’s “Dramatic Cinema” project. they are both fast paced and action packed...

8.8 2021

Both main characters are *spoiler ahead* killers! but in different setting and circumstances :) both drama have women finding out the killer with exceptional skills