Waking Love Up (2011)


ok i'll be honest i havent watched save the last dance for me but , dude loses memory girl takes care of him they fall in love so hard so romantic VERY romantic he remembers who he is goes back to being a douchbag and rich but wait...someone tried tO kill him tOo and then they face difficult stuff
Waking Love Up is a remake of Prince Turns to Frog. It's interesting to see how they differ and the different actors' performances.
both have the same story rich male lead got amnesia and fall for female lead things going to complicated when male lead get back his memories
same storyline; both dramas are adaptations of the 2005 taiwanese original prince turns to frog. waking love up seems to be more dramatic though
In Waking Love up and Shopping King Louie, both male leads take up a memory loss, their rich lives forgotten. In both dramas, the girl is poor, but tends to help them throughout their journey.
they're both about saving villages and the main character loses his memory in both dramas. They have the same kind of feeling (I don't know how to explain it)...
My Daughter

7.3 2011

Characters are fun and interesting, Roy Chiu and Tiffany Tang make a great paring. If you liked Prince Turn to Frog, then it's good, but it doesn't follow the same plot all the way, and the characters are totally different. Enjoyable.
Female/male lead has amnesia due to an accident. When they wake up, they realize that they're somewhere else, whether its an island or the countryside.