Waiting for You in the Future (2019)


Both the dramas have time travel and fantasy as the main theme. They talk about family realtionships, about friends, about youth, school, and also about romance. Both the characters have regrets which make them to have time travel. Both of them try to alter their future to have a better ending.
Both of them give me the same vibe about youth. Two leads travel through time (to 1998-1999) into a new identity and meet others' leads there. Both lightly, brain hacking and fantasy. And both worth watching.
Both the dramas have time travel and fantasy as its main element. Talks about family youth, school life, romance. Both the characters have regrets about themselves and findout they have travelled to the past. In SFOT the main lead travels back n forth inbetween the past n future while in WFYITF the main lead stays in the past before coming back.
Both dramas' MLs travel back to the past and more precisely to their high school years, and both dramas actually use this trope to portray a huge, inspirational, life-changing personal development.
Both are set in the 90s and feature a group of schoolmates and friends in their coming-of-age moment. Oh, and both are absolutely top-notch! ^__-
Time travel and going back to the past. Da Zhi being unsatisfied with his current went back to the past to change his future and marry the girl he loves.
Similar themes of friendship, dad trying to understand and guide teens through life's struggles, and funny and heartwarming moments between them.
Both have similar plots with ML time travelling and becoming a teacher for his younger self and class mates.