The Great Escape (2018)


Both are variety shows with celebrities thinking of ways and solving puzzles to escape from the secret chamber.
both The Great Escape and Crime Scene are mystery solving gaming show. in Crime Scene they look for clues to find the "killer", and in The Great Escape they use the clues to escape the different themed sets..
Busted is played in a wider more flexible setting, but they have had some "escape room" games as well.. The Great Escape is played in 1 "house/set" per episode, with several different "levels/rooms".. both are fun mystery solving clue finding interactive games..
The first season and you need to watch to at least understand the few episodes of season 2. In the first season they choose a captain at the beginning of each episode they dropped that for season 2.
Sixth Sense

8.8 2020

both use high quality set production and interior decorating from scratch. and both also make up scripts to utilize those sets though in TGE they need to escape and in SS they need to find that one "set"

7.4 2023

Similar semi-scripted vibes, The great escape had different scenarios per episode (including zombies) both have mixed casts of comedians idols actors etc.
Mystery variety show, full of laughter and plot. The great escape does soley focus on room ecapes, however I find that the two are similar in the mystery and comical sense.
The Great Escape is also a variety show that involves mystery solving. The only difference is that they're escaping rooms and that it's a male show. Both shows gets clues that they then solve by them selves.
if you liked the thrill and mystery of AoM, then you'll like TGE for sure (bonus: it has 4 season).
They basically have the same purpose, which is to find clues and escape but in my opinion Escape Idols is slightly less interesting.
Both having the same genre, with one goals to solve a certain mystery in each episode. I recommend watching The Great Escape Season 1-4, because it actually connected, some kind of a universe!
This is the Chinese counterpart to the Korean variety show "Crime Scene". In this show, participates have to find who is the murderer among them in a mock crime scene. Later seasons feature some episodes with real locations or completely built sets, which leads to more immersive environments like the "Great Escape".
They have the same sort of vibe where. Here its more of a mission but when you think of it, they are just really large scale escape rooms. And The Great Escape is a group of people solving escape rooms. It doesn't have Yoo Jae Sok like the other recommendations but the cast is super fun and the sets are amazing. There's 4 seasons so lots to enjoy.
I'll just connect both 1st seasons together. they are both fun mystery variety shows that lets the viewers guess along side the participating members.
Both the zone and the great escape are escape room survival shows about, escaping and surviving where the members try to escape and survive