Miss & Mrs. Cops (2019)


both have leads that are not taken seriously by their colleagues, and they end up uncovering a big case. a lighthearted sismance/bromance unexpected partners comedy detective story..

8.4 2021

Então os dois tem o grande Wi como vilão e dentro do mesmo seguimento de crimes contra mulheres. Ambos falam de assuntos polêmicos e que põem a fragilidade das mulheres em pespectiva.
both are girl power spy/detective stories with unexpected partnership.. they are also fun lighthearted comedies..
Miss & Mrs. Cops is similar to Life Risking Romance in a sense that they are both female centered "detective" genres..
Okay! Madam

8.3 2020

Similarly goofy plot, nice acting, pacing and dialogue. The mood of these family catering movies are quite similar. I enjoyed Okay Madam a little more because of the small dialogues and actions of mother for her daughter. It felt closer to home.
if there is a female centered plot movie at work, i would recommend this movie. because the women here are not just any women, they are smart and competent but the world of work actually sets them aside. they defend the truth that can not be revealed by the person above. defend together for a more peaceful state.
Similarities: - action and on the run criminals - female leads run the world Differences: - the female leads in Miss and Mrs Cops fight with guts, while in lawless attorney, they fight with the law - MMC has a much lighter story, and a more comedic story than LA. I really love the suspense/action/comedy/bad-ass female lead combo of Lawless Lawyer, and I haven't seen any much drama with such genre after this. If you want to watch a much much comedic type of action-for-justice with a strong female on the run, you gotta try watching the Miss and Mrs Cops movie.
- comedic duo - investigation - action scenes are amazing - both leads start an investigation for one case that could have grown into something worse for the country
Both are about being in the police department as a woman. They are both comedies and don't take itself too seriously. If you liked one you'll like the other. One is a Japanese drama and one is Korean movie.


The show is based off of the movie. If you like a good crime based comedy movie i recommend the movie.
Extreme Job

8.4 2019

Both of the movies are about cops catching the bad guys. They both have similar vibe and have lot of action and comedy. Hope you enjoy watching!

8.4 2018

Good acting, with the government. amazing plot. They are not thieves but the opposite. The feel they give is like the same as the player.