Tang Dynasty Tour (2018)


in this drama main character time-slips to tang dynasty similarly and uses the knowledge of history to survive and in doing this they both get fame and popularity
Modern Man travels to the past and uses his modern knowledge to improve the lives of the kingdom... It's basically the same story but Tang Dynasty Tour has more drama and Man Comes to Tang Dynasty is more comedy
sequal of a step into the past (2001) HK and this one has more pun and even female leads are beautiful
if you are interested in time travel or modern tech in past or idea then it is for you. And also it is also for romantic loving fan.
>Both main leads travel back in time > Both main leads uses knowledge of modern period to survive >Both main leads interfere in the state affairs
Both shows are about male leads who time travel to the past, befriend royals and start impacting the past using their modern knowledge.
both the dramas based time-slip/time-travel concepts where male lead travels to past and falls in love with female leads