Autumn Shower (2005)


Red Balloon

7.3 2022

Two best friends love the same man. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6.6 2003

In snowman both the sisters fall in love with the ml while in autumn shower it is best friends. In both dramas the leads face criticism for their relationship and struggle to be together. Difference is that in snowman, the sister doesn’t wake from her coma while in autumn shower the best friend does. Snowman is a bit more light.
Both have the same concept of a married couple and how the wife's best friend comes in between them destroying the marriage.
Similar Plot, In WIWTMB two brothers fall in love for the same woman In AS two girls that are best friends fall in love with the same man In both, there's a married couple and forbidden love scenario Both of them have not so good endings. If you like one, you'll love the other one. since it's out of ordinary love stories.