The Quiet Family (1998)



7.3 2010

Big family, but big trouble. Trouble after trouble. Family or community are together into something. Covering some truth. Intense and interesting movie.
Horror Thrillers Physiological mind games Twisted family dynamics Deliciously evil and ridiculously witty
Similarities -Both stories center around a family who lives in the middle of nowhere. -Each family is morally questionable in their ways of earning money and keeping their business running. -Both stories are dark comedies that center around a certain tragedy. Differences -In The Odd Family, the family owns a gas station and in The Quiet Family, the family owns an inn. -In the Odd Family, the family finds a zombie with the weird ability to restore youth to the local elderly population by biting them and the family uses the zombie to make a ton of money. In The Quiet Family, people are dieing in suspicious ways at the inn and the family is continuously hiding the bodies throughout the property in order to not get arrested. -There is no zombie outbreak and romantic plot in the Quiet Family. If you like the Odd Family, then you would probably enjoy the Quiet Family!!
One Night

7.4 2019

Slow and dark movie that is none Hollywood like. Unique plot. Odd family. One incident lead to another one. Everyone in the family carry secret.
They are both about dysfunctional families and they have similar twists.
The plots themselves are only similar in how dark they are, but both have similar unique feels to them.
Both movie are dark. Many dead bodies, bloody. Very raw and organic. None Hollywood like. Good acting. Odd and unexpected plot twist.
The Pension

6.6 2018

What do you get when you mix a mystery story wrapped around a lodging house. Lots of twist and turns as the story progresses. Everyone has a secret while some are just trying to get by.