Hyori's Bed And Breakfast: Season 2 (2018)


Season 2! Go for it. It's as relaxing, as captivating, as EVERYTHING as Season 1. No IU staring blankly into space this time but Yoon Ah will also win you over with her hardwork and thoughtfulness. The house is the same and Hyori and Sang Sun are as endearing and refreshing as they already were during the first season. The weather is much much worse though : winter in Jeju is no joke and the unpredicability of it makes for more surprises.
Yoona taking charge, like she does! Both are nice and relaxing. Yoona is featured in both, a good watch for any SNSD fan or those wanting to enjoy the time indoors.
Warm shows where guests come to rest while travelling. Both shows cook up homey meals for their guests besides providing sleeping accommodations. Also can enjoy the hosts thoughtfulness in making their guests feel comfy at home while their stay.
Celebrities who work with their family to run and manage a 'business'. Both cook up delicious meals for their guests/customers