Orphan Black: Nanatsu no Idenshi (2017)



8.1 2015

Both main leads are suffering from financial crisis. Both of them found their doppelganger unfortunately dead. Both main leads pretend to be that rich doppelganger just to escape poverty and enjoy comfort of life.
Both main leads pretend to be that dead person it's just that in Orphan Black the main character has the same face with the rich character who just killed herself to escape from poverty and Love In Sadness the main character have her face undergone with plastic surgery just to escape from her abusive husband. Both of them are not that good in pretending.
Clone Baby

7.2 2010

Both dramas feature multiple human clones. In orhan black clones are female and played by same actress. Tense situations in both.

6.9 2021

Genesis is similar to Orphan Black: Nanatsu no Idenshi it is about cloned characters with same faces but with different personality and leads with different lives. These dramas are filled with sci fi and action!