We Are Gamily (2017)


Both have multiple LGBTQ characters and relationships, and both are fairly light with happy endings. Because of You has weaker writing and acting, but is still fun to watch.
Both dramas are about several people living together and deal with homosexuality. They both involve siblings and address family matters.
Gay man in an interracial relationship marries a girl to appease his parents who dont know about his sexuality. Those then come for a sudden visit and stay longer than planned. They are very different in tone though.
Wu Gang and Yang Duo get fake married so that he can live with his boyfriend Sam and she can be with her girlfriend without their families getting suspicious, but after the marriage Wu Gang's mother starts showing up at her son's apartment more and more. its almost the same the only difference is that its in chines.
Wedding Plan

7.5 2023

we are gamily is literally my comfort movie because of how hialriously they showed what queer asians have to go through everyday. not just east asians, all of asia: south, southeast, east, middleeast. all of us. both show/movie portray a "straight married couple" where both the spouses are gay