Time Traveller (2010)


Tokyo Girl

7.9 2008

Both girls fall in love with someone from the past.

8.2 2007

Another romantic fantasy movie...with a twist.
Tokyo Girl

7.9 2008

Both are about a girl time travelling to young years of her mother.....................................
" Time travel " is a part of the girl who leaped through time franchise. not exactly similar but the entire going back and forth via time and space thingy is there. not only in this "toki wo" movie in others as well.
Cyborg She

7.6 2008

Both movies are about time travel. Both movies are very similar................................................................................
Both are about a time travelling girl who tries to change past, but isn't allowed to do so.......................

8.3 2015

Both stories involve the element of time travel. They are both very moving and have similar themes.
Back to 1989

8.1 2016

In both shows we can see fatherless main leads, who travel back in time in order to learn about past. Both shows contain romance, but Time traveller 's ending is more bittersweet(or just sad).
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
Both involve time travelling, both show the story of a person who tries to change the past.
In which the main character unintentionally forgets about the past.
Both share : Time travel - Subtle cute romance - 80's early 90's vibes - Great stories fluffy hair ML ^-^ Of the two, my fav is: Time Traveller
I dunno why but these movies feel similar to me. So much feels watching the two. The feeling of falling in love and wanting to be happy but because of the situation, it felt impossible. It's kind of sad, and not in a depressing way, but in a way where your heart feels warm and you just can't help but cry... I can't explain exactly, just watch!