Hanbun, Aoi (2018)


Reply 1997

8.4 2012

The dramas are both set in the 1990s-2000s. Both feature a will-they, won’t-they relationship between best friends. The FLs are also similar in personality.
En esta serie también los protagonistas nacen el mismo día y viven en un pequeño pueblo rural de japón, donde veremos todas sus vivencias desde niños hasta que son unos adultos. Aunque en Hanbun, Aoi la serie se centrara más en la vida de nuestra protagonista, todos sus subes y bajas y como al final logran su éxito junto con la persona que ama. Es una serie hermosa y curativa al igual que esta y también tendremos niños hermosos con todas sus travesuras.
I Don't Love You Yet is also a story of two bestfriends that watch and support each other grow through many years. Similar to Hanbun, Aoi, their families are fairly close. They met and were initially enemies when they were in high school but became close friends shortly afterwards. Unlike Hanbun, Aoi, it focuses more on the romantic relationships of the two but the female lead's dreams and aspirations are also highlighted throughout the series.
Both are asadora dramas. The heroines have similar clueless, pessimistic yet cheerful personalities. The comedy is also similar though Chiritotechin has more of it than Hanbun, Aoi. There is also a familiar family dynamic and the heroines living away from their hometowns but visiting often.

8.1 2015

They are both asadoras (morning drama with a female lead) and have 156 episodes with around 15 minutes each episode. Both deeply explores the relationship between parent and child.