So Sanaeha (2017)


Both Female Leads are both beautiful and rich, both male leads are attractive, both Female leads get pregnant and don't be wanting the father to know, Both Male leads chase the female leads, Both Female leads don't forgive the Male leads.
Leh Ratree

7.8 2015

If you want the more watchable version of this theme (woman hired to have a child by a rich family), the try Leh Ratree. So Sanaeha has the same theme but is a more frustrating watch. The two FLs are also night and day (sarcastic and bitter vs innocent in Leh Ratree). But the MLs kinda act the same toward the FL, in the beginning at least. The MLs even have a similar look.
Mia Tuean

6.6 2014

The themes are different, but both of these shows are the same quality level, and that's not a compliment, lol. Both have a late-night trashy vibe with a story that requires you to check your intelligence at the door. The MLs in both are hair-pullingly frustrating.