Bad Guys: City of Evil (2017)


Both dramas portray gang wars and in both the main character is played by Kim Moo Yul. Outstanding music and filming create a dark mood and the gangster world in both dramas is presented very suggestively.
Bad Guys

8.5 2014

It's season 1 of Bad Guys so it's definitely bound to be extremely similar. Different cast. Same plot line, bad guys taking down other bad guys.
Beyond Evil

8.7 2021

Crime show. First episode started with someone’s first day of work and worked it’s way into getting them used to working & plotting schemes with the team. Atmosphere/tone of the show was similar in some ways. Both stories change their focus in the middle of the show. Involves the police working with prosecutors. Illegal methods of obtaining evidence/information is included in both as well.
Mad Dog

8.3 2017

A crew of people band together to take down bad guys. In Mad Dog the main focus is insurance fraud and in Bad Guys their is a group of criminals going after other criminals.
Band of people get together to take down criminals. Both have criminals. In Lookout (The Guardians) the main female lead is a cop but is a wanted criminal. In Bad Guys there is a group of criminals.
Cruel City

8.5 2013

Dark, Action, Fast paced, violent. Both movies are more focused on male characters and relationships. Personally I found Vile City lacking in some ways but overall good enough to enjoy
In both productions a bunch of dirty cops, riffraffs and prosecutors use unconventional methods to take down powerful and corrupted politicians. Both have lots of violence, although Asura is slightly bloodier.
Not so much the serious action movie but as a series it is also about punishing and fighting "bad guys" with drastic measures.
Final Life

6.8 2017

Awesome action, unique camera, work both are extremely gritty and emotional. Both have emphasis on male relationships.

8.2 2019

In both these dramas, an officer/prosecutor both develop teams in order to catch the bad guys. Bad guys age of evil gives me Leverage vibes
it's kinda funny that both Ma Dong Seok and Kim Mu Yeol acted in the bad guys series, but not in the same one.. KMY acted in the 2nd season while MDS acts in the 1st and movie vr. basically the stories are the same, the cop/prosecutor work with the "bad" gangster guy to get a more "evil" enemy..

8.1 2014

Similarities: Both deal corruption among persons in the justice system. Both have persons in the justice system working to bring down some one higher up the the system. Difference: There was no crazy fighting in Punch like in Bad Guys 2 and confrontations were more law based.