The story of a ruthless female assassin named Sook Hee, who from an early age has been taught to kill in Yanbian, China. She becomes a sleeper agent for South Korea's intelligence agency, who promises her freedom after 10 years of service. She dreams of having a different type of life, however, two men from her past make an unexpected appearance in her life, bringing out dark secrets from her past. ~~ Inspired by the movie "La Femme Nikita" (1990) by Luc Besson.
- Country:South Korea
- Released: Jun 8, 2017
- Duration: 2 hr. 3 min.
- Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)
- Score: 7.9/10(by 5,564 users)
- Ranked: #2948
- Popularity: #1430
- Watchers: 13.2K
- Screenwriter: Jung Byung Shik
- Director: Jung Byung Gil
- Genres: Action ; Thriller ; Mystery ; Romance
- Tags: Skilled Killer ;Revenge ;Gun Violence ;Badass Female Lead ;Hidden Identity ;Mother-Daughter Relationship ;Assassination ;Noir ;Violence Against Children ;Emotionally Strong Female Lead