The World of Us (2016)


Both movies follow the lives of elementary school students in rather difficult situations. One of the mcs is a transfer student. They're beautifully and realistically told and also have a friendship and family aspect. Female directors have such an interesting vision.
Both movies show a realistic portray of child characters. They have a friendship and family focus and more 'quiet', human, slow movies with a similar feel, which probably comes down to the fact they have the same director. The House of Us is credited as a sequel to The World of Us because the main characters make small appearences in that movie.

7.2 2013

Both are sincere movies about young girl main characters growing up and facing new issues and expectations.
both stories follow elementary school students and just follow their lives. They focus on family and friendship (HWM focuses more on family and TWOU more on friendship). They also have a similar vibe and were directed by women.