Koe Koi (2016)


Fifteen-year-old Sei Saotome is the type of person who tends to fail at the most crucial times. After nearly becoming a high school drop-out, she enrolls into a school that is overambitious for her. There she meets the bold and popular Taiyou Udagawa; and the dreamy and stars obsessed, Mizuki Ootaka. After being asked by Mizuki to join the two guys in the Astronomy Club, it turns out high school life isn't as bad as she had expected.
mysterious student , they will never reveal his face until end of the episode. the love interest between the fl and ml.
Touching You

7.3 2016

Both female lead are so nice, warm and kind like an angel. But the FL in Koe Koi is a little bit more shy with the ML than the other one.
Miyu and Shuya are high school students. They have dated for 2 years. Miyu and Shuya have a promise that no matter what, they will watch a movie together on the first day of each new month. When Miyu and Shuya are on their way to the movie theater, Shuya suddenly cancels their date. Shuya seems like he is hiding something and he acts nervous. Later, Miyu goes to the place where she is supposed to meet Shuya, but she witnesses Shuya getting into a car accident. She panics, but when she wakes up she finds herself on the morning of the accident. Miyu keeps waking up on the day when Shuya got into an accident.
Aside from having Nagano Mei in both, Makoto (Ryo Ryusei) reminds me of Teiichi (Suda Masaki) as a student leader while Matsubara reminds me of Dan (Takeuchi Ryoma). They have different plots but the student leadership of the characters I mentioned were just similar, in my opinion.
In both dramas, there is a character who wears bag/box over their face. What else do we want?! This is either because appearance/ identity, etc. They both also have school romance.
Both of these dramas are about high school students have have a cutesy feel as well as supportive friends. Both have shared actors - Sakurada Dori and Shiraishi Shunya!