Yuuki (2006)


It's both true stories about people fighting against a terminal disease! And the main leads' friends and family try to do anything they can to help the leads.
they are both about true stories.. both of it about a person fighting an incurable disease.. u should watch it if u like a sad story..
They are both specials of true stories about people getting diseases that can't easily be cured. Throughout both the characters remain optimistic and willful to live until the very end with the help of their family and friends along the way.
Scent of a woman it's more romantic,and Yuuki doesn't have romance at al, but both of them will make you cry if you have a hearth.personaly i liked Yuuki more(maybe because of Kam-kun)because I was in the mood of watching something serious and deep.The first one won't make you laugh and both of them will make you think of how lucky you are to be healthy. They are both great dramas which are a must watch.
Dear Friends

7.7 2007

Friendship is a very strong factor in both of the movies and both have "scary" diseases in them.
Little DJ

7.8 2007

Hopeful bright protagonists. Tearjerkers.
Involves traveling and people contemplation death. Tearjerkers.
It's about people trying to live fully & happy after the main characters find out the they have a uncurable disease.
While watching Myu no Anyo Papa ni Ageru suddenly Yuuki popped into my head.Both of them are sad movies which have to teal with a very rare disses.The first one has more romantic aspects in it, while Yuuki concentrates more on self developing and fighting for ones life.

7.9 2008

Both the movie Yuuki and Koizora involved the main character fighting a disease and changing their outlook on life. Although Koizora focused a little more on romance than Yuuki both still contain the same theme.