Righteous Ties (2006)


Gangsters movie. Lots of fights. Good fights and bad fights. Mafia. Joining force. Some humor, some painful moments
Can you trust gangster? Can gangster turn into protagonist? Can gangster follow the law and work with prosecutor?
Can the gagster work with the cop to fight the evil? Can the evil abide by the rules of law? Can the cop twist the law to make room for the gagster?
Childhood friends, strong tide, trust or mistrust. Life struggle. Life journey. Revenge. Bromance. Fight to gain justice

7.9 2006

Both movies involve former gangster. Tough and strong but have a soft side, soft heart. Could people leave him alone?
Inside Men

7.8 2015

One is gangster one is prosecutor, end up work together against evil group. Seeking justice. Trusting relationship. Bromance

8.7 2017

The main lead was put to jail but but was innocent. Justice finally serve. Roller coaster. Life journey, struggle.
New Trial

8.2 2017

Innocent man in jail. Justice served. Friendship built between prosecutor and the innocent prisoner. Bromance. Corruption. Criminal justice system breakdown