Heading to the Ground (2009)


Birdie Buddy

6.6 2011

Both are sports related soccer(HTG) & golf(BB) where the lead actor/actress struggles to make their dream come true and faces a lot of unlucky events. Both have romance but BB has less.Evens so both are worth watching!
Both these dramas are typical Romance Comedies with sports involved. Invincible Lee Pyung Kang is golf based, and Heading to the Ground is Soccer based.

6.7 2009

Similar plots. Both plots have revolve around fulfilling their dreams and redemption. Both leads are former juveniles delinquents but want to return to and succeed in a sport they once had passion for before being sent to juvie. There’s romance too.
Buzzer Beat

7.9 2009

Both are about young people who are chasing after their dreams despite of difficulties and when their roads crosses they begin to cheer up for each other. In these dramas, between two leads is AMAZING CHEMISTRY.