A Stray Goat (2017)


These movies are both bittersweet romance melodramas. (Pretty Dark) Both movies start with a boy moving to a rural or smaller area because of a bad past or disturbing event. SCW- Blames himself for his friend's suicide. ASG- Had minor but noticeable behavioral issues and bad grades. Both meet the female protagonist, who was outcasted and bullied because of their fathers. They don't had rumors about them. SCW- Her dad is mentally-ill and accused of sexual crimes. ASG- Her dad is an accused murder. Pretty much about troubled boy moves to a smaller area meets a girl who's bullied because of the father's reputation. They fall in love. Minor similarities: deals with animals as symbolism (or in general), snowy/cold weather area, the male protagonist stands up to the bullies and deals with serious topics. Their endings are not what you expect as well.

6.9 2018

The two tells about school violence in some rural village. The scenery in the two is very similar. Fall and winter are so beautiful. The difference between the two is "Liverleaf" 's a pretty dark story, many bloody scenes. The romance in "Liverleaf" is pretty twisted though, in the beginning I thought at least the male lead will be more sane than the rest of the classmates. "A Stray Goat" and "Liverleaf" gave me similar feel.

7.0 2018

-School bullying -Guy can't protect the girl he likes from bullies
Both films star Park Jin Young in a role where he stands up to bullies and tries to protect someone weaker than him.
Missing You

7.9 2012

Both female leads are bullied at school because their fathers were accused of murder. "A Stray Goat" is a lot darker though.
No Doubt

7.4 2010

Both films depict how a narrow-minded community ostracizes one of its members. In A Stray Goat, a girl is bullied and suffers because her father is an accussed murderer. In No Doubt, an ex-convict is wrongfully suspected of a crime involving a missing girl; both he and his family are shunned by society.

6.9 2018

Two people forming a friendship that is strained because of one person's being severely bullied.