Riders: Catch Tomorrow (2015)


Male friends living and working together to succeed in life. Both dramas have normal cozy life which you can relate to. Riders is dealing with many typical Korean and probably many other countries' issues like how to find a good job and partner when there is pressure from parents and money trouble. Dramas about friendship and things in life which are truly important and meaningful. These dramas are not that serious as I made them sound like, there are many funny scenes as well.
Dramas about young adults with career and dating issues or just youngsters living life figuring out their future plans while hanging out with friends. Both dramas have somehow stand out from the rest and out of recent dramas these are the ones I've enjoyed watching. Also in both dramas the charachters (cute punk and curly haired woman) look a bit similar from the outside and perhaps behaviour too. I think both are realistic human dramas meaning no silly comedy or supernatural stuff.