Splash Splash LOVE (2015)


Both are historically based dramas. In both of the dramas, a woman is pretending to be an eunuch, who stays close to a Master of the Throne or the King per say. Both dramas are about the love stories of how the king and the girl develop feelings for each other.
Mr. Queen

9.0 2020

Both dramas have huge similarities. *Both dramas have comedy. *Both are historical dramas. *Both involve time travel. *Both have their own type of romance and case solving. *In both, the person coming from the future shares her/his knowledge with the people in past.
Both are similar, and very alike. Just a few changes here and there, but each has their own uniqueness.
Similarities between SSL and WL: - FL is a student who is doing poorly at school and doesn't want to sit her exams. - She time travels to the past (SSL)/ enters a historical story (WF) where she meets the ML who is the emperor. - In both dramas, the FL and ML have a very similar relationship where the leads first hate each other and later befriend each other. - The main leads hit it off almost immediately despite their power imbalance and the FL treats the ML, the emporor like she would a friend. - The FL also meets her modern world best friend counterpart in the historical world and befriends her - In both dramas the FL's life is on the line and she has to use her school knowledge of history to solve the problems faced in the emperors empire to survive. - Both dramas have a lot of hints of romance that doesn't actually start, the leads are only really good friends that clearly develop feelings for each other. - In both dramas the FL travels back to the modern world and meets a man with the same face as the ML in the historical/story world. - The leads have crazy chemistry in both dramas. Differences (what WL did better) - What I loved about WL was that the FL already knew the modern day ML before travelling to the past and they were already good friends/frienamies even in the modern world. - It is clear from the modern world scenes in WL that the ML always liked the FL.
Present day girl goes into history. Short and sweet story where the girl must remember school teachings to help make history move forward.
Accidental time travel, love, and finding who you really are, theses are the themes that make these dramas irresistible! But this time its reverse! What happens when a king ends up in the future on a girls rooftop? Well hopefully you have seen splash splash love this time its the king's turn to be the pauper!
Both involve a female protagonist travelling back in time. They also become involved with important historical figures of that time and contribute in politics/strategies using their knowledge from the future. Splash Splash LOVE is definitely a lot shorter, but it's worth a watch if you want something quick and succinct.
Right from the beginning they seemed similar, both have the same main plot of time traveling, they're both cute, short and refreshing as well...

8.0 2012

Its similar in the sense girl goes back in time and has useful knowledge from the future. However in faith which is a full length drama the guy is a general and girl is a doc. Its more mature vibe and has some supernatural stuff. In Splash Splash which is 2 ep. the guy is the king, and the girl is in high school, overall the drama is really cute.
feels very much like splash splash love similar vibe and timetravel of student and student sharing ideas with monarch who is someone that thinks differently , far ahead of his time , instant connection
This is a Chinese remake/adaptation of 'Splash Splash Love', available on Viki (the other adapation isn't). It follows the original closely in several ways - heroine goes back in time due to rain, where kingdom is experiencing a bad drought, she arrives in exactly the same way, is mistaken in the same sort of way, becomes a 'eunuch' who serves the king/emperor, and helps him through her modern school-girl knowledge, there's the taciturn and loyal guard, and so on. It gives its own spin to several things as well, with the heroine's character being similar but also uniquely this actress's (she's great, especially as the 'eunuch'), the hero being similar but also unique, with his own character/personality, individual characters you come to like, a band that forms that you feel/want to be a part of, doing good in the kingdom, it's a fictional place, not a real past, there are different side stories and villains, etc. It works these similarities and differences in well, retaining some of the best parts of the original and making it its own at the same time, in a way that keeps it interesting. Still very Chinese (lots of makeup, repetition, extreme cheesiness in places...), but a decent one at that.
KIM SEULGI! To be honest, nothing common for the plot line except that they are short drama/specials. But if you like Kim Seul GI's sass and cuteness you will definitely enjoy this two drama. Her chemistry with all the actors is like omg omg omg. give her a full drama pls (better with doo joon)
It's got the teleportation magic thingy between past and preset. The girl is also from the present. But splash splash love only has 2 episodes. Each episode are about an hour long though :) It's definitely enjoyable to watch.
Both Historic/ Costume dramas Both FLs time travels (in Queen of attack the FL rather travels into a historic drama plot) In both the Leads meet each other in the present Both MLs are King Both FLs are students
Must You Go?

7.4 2021

In Splash Splash Love, the story of Park Yeon and his musical life is told briefly.