Taiga is a high school student who is abducted on his way home and wakes up in an unknown place. He reunites with Niina, a childhood friend with whom he also had a romantic relationship, although they lost contact after Niina was transferred to another school. The pair is confined in a school with old classmates and a teacher, where they are soon informed that they will be forced to participate in a deadly and sadistic game called "The Werewolf Game" (Jinroh Game). In the middle of this situation of life or death, Taiga and Niina will reaffirm their feelings for each other. ~~ Based on the popular French card game "The Werewolves of Millers Hollow" (Les Loups-garous de Thiercelieux).
- Country:Japan
- Released: Mar 9, 2015
- Duration: 1 hr. 15 min.
- Rating: 13+ - Teens 13 or older
- Score: 6.6/10(by 401 users)
- Ranked: #10765
- Popularity: #7319
- Watchers: 1.5K
- Screenwriter:
- Director:
- Genres: Horror ; Romance ; Drama
- Tags: Difficult Adulthood ;Gay Male Lead ;Gay Romance ;Death Game ;LGBTQ+ ;Death ;Suspense