Eight students at Susin High School, an elite boarding school nicknamed "Prison High," stay behind during winter break after receiving anonymous letters predicting a death. A teacher is also forced to stay with them. On the first night, psychologist Kim Yo Han, stranded by a snowstorm, joins them. As they celebrate Christmas Eve, the students realize the letters were no prank and that a murderer is among them. (Source: MyDramaList)
- Country:South Korea
- Episodes: 8
- Aired: Jan 30, 2011 - Mar 20, 2011
- Brodcast: Sunday
- Duration: 1 hr. 5 min.
- Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)
- Score: 8.4/10(by 6,870 users)
- Ranked: #667
- Popularity: #1119
- Watchers: 16.7K
- Screenwriter: Park Yeon Sun
- Director: Kim Yong Soo
- Networks: KBS2
- Genres: Thriller ; Mystery ; Psychological ; Youth
- Tags: High School ;Student Male Lead ;School Setting ;Christmas Setting ;Winter Setting ;Snowy Setting ;Teenager Male Lead ;Teacher Supporting Character ;Hearing Impaired Male Lead ;Psychologist Male Lead