The Lover (2015)


Age of Youth

8.5 2016

Both are about 'normal life', but you still enjoy it even if 'nothing happens' :) And it has great humor.
Both of these dramas give of a similar feeling of an ambiguous relationship between two guys, and have a similar sense of humor.
Both dramas deal with the topic of relationships, love and sex in a more realistic and mature manner. They both feature couples that deviate from what is considered "traditional" in Korean culture, and explore how the characters love each other despite each others flaws. Unlike "It's Okay, That's Love" however, "The Lover" is more comedy than it is drama (sex jokes everywhere). While it does hit some serious notes, it splits it's attention between 4 couples and it's emotional tone overall is not as deep as IOTL.
There a sweet BL couple within "The Lover" drama. It's really sweet as well and it ended happily.

6.5 2016

These two dramas aren't plot-wise similar at all but the comedy in these dramas is really similar. The overall feel in these two dramas also is really similar. If you liked Entourage I'm sure you'd like The Lover as well. And vice versa.
Both dramas had stories around multiple couples and involved cohabitation. In LWF th cohabitation is with siblings, in the lovers, all couples live in the same apartment complex. The couples are also more offbeat than in traditional dramas. They better th have LGBT and noona romances.

7.5 2006

Both dramas are kind of slice of life dramas about young people, challenging the norms of Korean society.
Reply 1997

8.4 2012

Hilarious, heart warming, and so very relatable. These two dramas share the same breezy and comedic tone, and both dramas experiment and play around with a fresh format with which to tell their story. Reply 1997 perhaps feels a bit more familiar compared to your standard kdrama, while The Lover feels more like a sketch comedy show- think SNL, only more cohesive and consisting of more genres than just comedy. Both aired on less popular networks, both of these dramas have a similar and unique way of carving their way into your heart. (They also both feature gay character(s), which is definitely a notable feature for Korean shows!)
Both have four different story lines and explore the main characters' relationships. In Plus Nine Boys, each brother is searching for love where as in The Lover, each couple is already living with each other. They both have a similar feeling to them: fresh and unique. I also loved the comedy that each drama brought and greatly enjoyed both dramas due to this.
Both dramas include multiple couples that live in the same building. They both include couples that are in different stages of their relationship. There is also a gay couple included in both.

7.3 2019

These 2 shows looks each other so much, they are people which we see their journeys/challanges in every episode in different ways.. and both show has a bl couple. But Shujin-ko is a calmer drama and The Lover has more chaotic atmosphere but after all, they have a similar energy <3
Dating Class

7.8 2019

They have almost same energy AND purpose. There are couples (in a romantic way) which we see their journeys/challanges in every episode in different ways, we can learn somethings about life and love.. both show has a bl couple also <3
Both are sweet slice-of-life story compilations. The Lover is by far more fun and exciting but "hey" I recommend both based on your mood. Happy, fun, and sassy = The Lover. Deep, peaceful, and dramatic = Late Nigh Restaurant.
They have similar humor, they both have interesting story going on,in the lover is more than one ,but still hilarious .If you enjoyed on of them you will enjoy the other one too
Ode to Joy

8.2 2016

Shows the lives of four couples who live in the same apartment complex. Very interesting and relatable.