Dakara Koya (2015)


Both dramas have a topic about infidelity. Both dramas make you think about the meaning of marriage, family, and self-identity. Both dramas are the types that make you think and introspective. It's not necessarily entertaining but make you wonder. The story are realistic and can be relatable. The difference was in Dakara Koya, the female lead was cheated by her husband whereas in Anata no Koto wa Sore Hodo, the female lead is the one who was cheating.
Both deal with the exploration of housewives' role in their family and their liberation from those roles as individuals. Suzuki Kyoka is the lead in both dramas
Kazoku Game

8.6 2013

Although Dakara Koya primarily focusses on the mother of the household, Both kazoku game and dakara koya are essentially about the healing of a dysfunctional family- In Dakara Koya, it’s through the mother leaving the family and home while in Kazoku game it’s through the arrival of an eccentric home tutor.