Assassination (2015)


Both has a wife as a spy. Both during the war with Japan. War time movies. Intense. Complicated. Japanese Spy.
Both movies female lead played a big role in Spying the Japanese. War movies. Strategy. Planning. War is sad. Lots of lost souls.
- both take place during japanese occupation - involves spies and betrayal - action-based with suspense - both with a very strong main cast
Mr. Sunshine

8.9 2018

Same theme - korean independence army fighting against Japan, strong female lead, characters you have to love, packed with action and beautifully shot scenes.
Both have same leads, as I was watching I felt same type if thrill in both. Actions are wow!!!!!!! and both are about spy.I had great time watching.

7.6 2023

Both are historical action film set in the Japanese occupation era in Korea. Both are film about how the Koreans fight the Japanese
Both 'Different Dreams' and 'Assassination' are set in the same time period of Japanese occupation in Korea, and both feature historically real-life independence activists Kim Wonbong of the Heroic Corps, and Kim Gu of the Korean Provisional Government. While 'Different Dreams' focusses more heavily on Kim Wonbong's own activities, his character in 'Assassination' is more of a planner and organizer. 'Different Dreams' is primarily set between 1931-1933, whereas 'Assassination' is primarily set after 1933. Both show the struggle and the divide amongst the Korean people, between those who are independence activists and those who are pro-Japanese.
Both dramas show the story of resistance fighters in Korea in the 20th century and do a pretty good job at that.