Pink Lipstick (2010)


Both dramas have unfaithful husbands who cheat with the heroin's best friend and both heroins plot revenge against their husbands

8.2 2021

The story of Hi Soo, Ji Yong and Ja Kyung is very similar to the plot of Pink Lipstick. => Hi Soo = Ga Eun => Ja Kyung = Mi Ran => Ji Yong = Jung Woo Similarities >Both female lead are both married >Of course both makjang > Betrayal, Revenge, Affairs >The husbands are still in love with their ex girlfriend >The children are born out of wedlock -> children of the husband and the ex
Glass Mask

7.0 2012

Both plots are basically about the main lead hiding her intentions to get revenge. Both long dramas

6.9 2021

>Both of these drama have makjangish elements >One of the characters were cheated >One of the characters executes revenge to the person who cheated on them.
Both deal with revenge and an innocent women who's world is turned around when she finds out her husband and friend have an affair. The world keeps throwing her twists, she falls for another man but he is the nephew of the person she chose to help her get revenge on her ex husband and friend. You just have to watch it to understand it, plus the supporting characters are nice and bring some humor into the drama.
Yellow Boots

7.7 2012

both have the same objective , the revenge on people who have destroyed their lives !