Temptation (2014)


Similar plot line treated a little differently. Both the dramas deal with spouses cheating on their respective halves. While Temptation has a little melo and dramatic tone to it, One Warm Word deals with it in a more realistic way.
similar in a sense they both need to restart their lives and move on to better themselves but stuck with their current relationship due to guilt and responsibilities they put on themselves
Valid Love

7.1 2014

Both shows talk about extramarital affairs, how can a marriage break down because of doubts. Valid Love, does what Temptation did better, more in-depth, better polished characters, better reasons, more melodrama. However, Valid Love, in all its sadness, doesn't make you feel obligated to ship a certain couple, and has a lot less cheezy scenes.
Same main Leads, the Chemistry between them is of the charts in any common roles they share, no need to say that Stairway to Heaven is the utmost classic tragedy, However carries the same sweetness in the love story as Temptation. Enjoy watching the Younger version of the leads in Stairway to Heaven and the adult version and chemistry of their scenes in Temptation..
-Both dramas have that kind of cheating storyline where the male lead falls in love with the female lead despite having a girlfriend/spouse. -Both male leads start a contract relationship with the female lead due to extenuating circumstances, in Temptation it's for business reasons and in You are My destiny it's because he got the FL pregnant in an alcohol fueled one night stand -Both 2nd FL turns evil for part of it and try to seek revenge on the main couple