Torranee Ni Nee Krai Krong (2012)


Torranee Ni Nee Krai Krong similar is to To Me, It's Simply You: -Same Male Lead -Farm war topic -Hate to love relationship
- Nadech is ML in both - farming setting - organic and ecological farming methods are discussed --> importance of farming - love for the countryside and more rural regions - both couples butt heads at first but end up falling for each other - familes in both shipped them - ML suffers from need to succeed and proove himself to those who thought he couldn't do it - a loving grandma (jaaii)
- Both have Nadech as ML - "innocent" FL - farming at the country side - Age gap relationship (1st about 6-9 years (though it is not focus) 2nd is a bit bigger)
Both versions are adaptions of the same novel "Torranee Ni Nee Krai Krong ". Both can also be found with english subtitles. The version with Nadech & Yaya is more fleshed out and developed with more scenes between the main-leads and supporting characters. In the 1998 version Athit falls for Toon and even gets engaged with her, while in the 2012 version Athit never loved Toon, but only loved Nee from the start. I think both versions are precious and have their own charm but still carries the essence of the slow-burn love-story of Athit and Nee. The characters are portrayed splendid by both main-leads.
-Same leads / cute couples -Both of them hate each other from the start but later develop feelings for each other -both happen on farms -both of them are must-watch especially torranee nee krai krong <3