My Sunshine (2015)


Ex lovers to new lovers(again) love triangle School relationship lovers(When did first love begin? - the wind blows=university my sunshine= high school) Happy ending ex lovers falling in love again and being together Best Friendships meeting again and more
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
The first production with WQ and LY as a couple, In My Sunshine they play the younger version of the leads.
Same writer Mo Bao Fei Bao. They have similar vibes. FL is warm and cheerful. ML is a bit cold and introverted. FLs fell in love at first sight with ML and chased after him.
-WMLB feels like a more mature version of My Sunshine. With more adult problems like children,angry exes and complicated life issues. -similar aspects of college lovers where the FL chases the ML. -law student in love with a girl that studies something else. -family secrets that lead to separation of the lovers.
both main couples are separated for 6 or 7 years and could not reunited due to misunderstandings. In both dramas, they have to rebuild their trust, among other things by a married life with each other. In both dramas the male lead is a successful lawyer. Although they are different dramas, they have their similarities, so you might like the other. In Autumn's Concerto there is much more about the history from when they got to know each other in the first place and there is a bigger part of the ML having to grow up and find himself, while in My Sunshine he is practically already grown up as a student.
Female lead is not only the same actress, but the characters are suuuuuuper similar! Cheerful, optimistic, etc etc. Supporting female is also similar: Rude and obnoxious model/actress who become likable.
(Re-post from the original version of this drama's page) Female lead is not only the same actress, but the characters are suuuuuuper similar! Cheerful, optimistic, etc etc. Supporting female is also similar: Rude and obnoxious model/actress who become likable.
both have the ex-lovers reunited after some years trope
My Sunshine is a less mature version of BOL. Both has college lovers separated because of personal issues. Family secrets that lead to separation of the lovers.
Both stories show the characters in their school years where the girl is smitten and goes after the guy without a care in the world and eventually gets the guy. In both stories the couple dates for a period but misunderstandings pull them apart. Flash to the present we see that the girl is hesitant to restart the relationship because they don't know if the guy truly loves them. On the other hand the guy has pined after the girl over the time skip and has been quietly loving her in his own way and slowly works his way back into her heart.

8.4 2021

They are quite similar indeed. Both dramas revolve around the relationship between a warm cheerful woman and a seemingly cold hearted man. The female leads both chased after the male leads after falling in love at first sight but the male leads end up the most heartbroken following their separation, not being able to forget their love. Both of the couples break up due to miscommunication and unresolved issues but end up meeting once again in the future. While Crush focuses more on the time before the break up, My sunshine shows us mostly what happens after the leads have met again.
Both are about unrequited love and reunions. Remembering Lichua is amazing I think even better. The male lead Geofrey Gao is so yummy. Read the novel of Remembering Lichuan first before watching the show. Hope english sub are available by the time you read this.
Both dramas have the same actor with unforgettable love story where both leads fall in love in their college time but one vanishes for some certain reason. They met again after many years learning they did not stop loving each other but instead their love got stronger.