Twenty Years Old (2014)


About dating an idol and the problems that come with it. The difference is that in Smiling Pasta they're in a fake relationship and learn to accept each other, while in Twenty Years old they face difficulties with others accepting their relationship.
Love Cells

7.0 2014

Both dramas are mini series about a normal person who falls in love with a celebrity. Though Love Cells revolves heavily around fantasy, both dramas are funny and heartfelt showing that love can be found anywhere between anyone.
Both are short dramas that feature idols playing fictional versions of themselves. The two of them are about a young, ordinary girl and a k-pop star falling in love.
Ma Boy

7.3 2012

Both dramas are short and funny love stories. The main boys characters are idols. And their love stories are very hard and with secrets to keep.
These two short dramas are very similar and I just love them both. Both depict young couples who fall in love but face trials in their relationship. If you love one, you would definitely love the other. I personally thing that they are both great dramas and would have loved it if they were extended. Happy watching :)
Sweet 20

7.2 2015

Both are about life in your early 20's from a girl's perspective, one with the premise of falling for an idol, the other filled with simple makeup tutorials that anyone can recreate.