Remembering Lichuan (2016)


The main girls are both from the countryside and are interpreters, and the main guy is a rich. There's also angst and illness. Remember Lichuan is definitely the superior drama imo.
The concept is similar where one the main leads has cancer. The male lead (LiChuan) has cancer and he leaves the female lead (XiaoQi) thinking its the best thing for the her.
Em ambos os dramas o ML tem uma doença terminal e se afasta da FL para que não sofra. A relação de amor e cuidado para com ela se mostra comovente
They're both about how the leads meet and fall in love but all of a sudden the male lead pushes them away. The male lead has a disease of a sort, and because of that they both push the female lead away, but in the end the female lead still finds out and comes back and fights to stay with the male lead.
My Sunshine

7.9 2015

Both are about unrequited love and reunions. Remembering Lichua is amazing I think even better. The male lead Geofrey Gao is so yummy. Read the novel of Remembering Lichuan first before watching the show. Hope english sub are available by the time you read this.
Both are about illness and love that transcending or defying possible and upcoming death. There are days when this type of love just make the world around you so much sharper.