My Running Shadow (2017)


37 Seconds

7.9 2019

Both movies showing strong mothers love. Unconditional love. Mother suffer and scarify a lot to raised a mentally or physically incapable child. Heartwarming movies.

7.9 2014

Very strong hearted, stubborn, strong will female lead, the mother. A mother would do anything for the child.
Door to Door

8.1 2009

Both movies show a single mom raised an autism child. Mother love, mother will, strong hearted mother to be with the child every moment, every step and stage of the child live.

8.2 2005

Both about single mom not giving up on autism son. The son has their own talent and intelligent. Sweet, kind, but social awkward son. Mom love, true love, how society discriminate the autism kids. How autism kids can be success if raise in a proper support, guidance, understanding environment
Ocean Heaven

7.8 2010

One is single mom, the other one is single dad. The parent love their child the best. Life long support. Day and nights, never give up. Love heartedly. Life struggling, never give up hope, discover their talent, their interest, the autism kids future and safety. How they can continue living away from the tight watching of the parent.
My Piano

7.5 2006

Both are about mother and son relationship. A very delicate, protected, hard working, single mom. Raise a not too normal son, tough, strong, loving mom.
Mentally challenge doesn’t mean they are dumb. Smart autism kids have hard time express but they have very good memory.
Autism child are good at memory. Socially awkward, hard time expressing, but with love and TLC autism person can live a normal life
Both movie involve caring for autism or mentally challenge family member. They were strong, childlike need kind loving care. Life long commitment and sacrify
Both have a mentally challenge child at home. Fully functioning, smart and genius in someway but mentally struggle in another way. Both have a very committed family member unconditional love