White Cat Legend (2024)


Both dramas have - Male centered plot - Investigation - Mystery - Solving cases / detective works - teamwork - bromance -fantasy / wuxia elements
Both are historical/fantasy dramas and have a storyline or plot in which Ding Yu Xi portrays the ML who is a cat/human shapeshifter.
Both dramas feature a male lead with mysterious powers, solving cases. Im Wu Xin the male lead is immortal, but doesn't know why. In White Cat Legend the male lead is a cat-person, and also doesn't know why. Wu Xin focuses somewhat on romance, while WCL focuses more on friendship, and camraderie.
Both dramas are filled with adventure filled with friendship and brotherhood. The setting is also on historical or ancient period.
Go East

7.8 2024

Both the dramas have 2 units working under a Pavillion. And 3rd independent unit mainly for solving the case like jingjhao perfecture. Both the dramas are set to solve the mysteries and luring out the main mastermind. Friendships and comedy are good attractions in both. The only difference i could find is that one involves fantasy and other one is reality
Both dramas have - Male centered plot - Investigation - Mystery - Solving cases / detective works - all male casts - teamwork
Both dramas have  - Male centered plot - Investigation - Mystery - Solving cases / detective works - all male casts - teamwork
Both dramas have  - Male centered plot - Investigation - Mystery - Solving cases / detective works - teamwork
Both dramas have  - Male centered plot - Investigation - Mystery - Solving cases / detective works - teamwork
Both dramas have  - Male centered plot - Investigation - Mystery - Solving cases / detective works - all male casts - teamwork