My Sibling's Romance (2024)


Exchange Season 2 has shown some good bonding and friendship, which is also being portrayed in this one. The warmness and the sadness of each of the participants of both shows are also quite similar.
The structure of the show is similar to the EXchange model with anonymous texts to each other, not sharing ages & jobs right away etc... but this one is sets of siblings in the house together acting as strangers, but helping each other find prospective partners.
Reply 1988

9.1 2015

I know one is a drama and the other is a reality dating show, but I'm mainly recommending because they both give that warm feeling of familial love. Reply 1988 is a story of 4 families and their struggles/joys, with romance weaving in between. My Sibling's Romance is a dating show where 4 sets of siblings live together and go on dates with others without revealing who their sibling is. Reply 1988 gave me a feeling of warmth that I have rarely felt while watching something. But My Sibling's Romance made me feel that same way, through the bond each sibling duo has. The dynamics differ but they are all equally precious. It's nice seeing the siblings root for each other and look out for each other in a setting where they don't know anyone else but each other. The backstories of each family will either leave you sobbing or with a massive grin. Truly the best way I can describe it is that both are about family and love, and give you this big warm hug as you watch.