Boyhood (2023)


Both movie/drama are about weak high school boys who are bullied and how they start to fight with the bullies and gangsters. It also takes place in 1970s and 80s with retro style and nostalgic vibes.
The male lead was bullied in high school but due to some circumstances, stands up against his bullies. Boyhood is just AWESOME. 10/10.
"Weak Hero Class 1" and "Boyhood" are high school kdramas about weak students who are finally standing up and fighting against their bullies while also getting involved with gangs. Although both dramas have different plots and genres.
New transfer student. High school, School bullying. Fighting, Comedy.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Dokgo Rewind

8.0 2018

Action, youth, school bullying, etc..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
High school, action..,....................................………………………………………
The plot of Densetsu no Head Sho is very similar to Boyhood. However, in Boyhood it is a case of mistaken identity.
Action, high school, comedy, romance ..........……………………………………………,.............................………………………………………………,
High school, action, school bullying...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………,
Both are comedy high school dramas about people who moved to new cities and because of a misunderstanding were seen as the strongest guys in the area.
Boys Be!

7.2 2020

Action, youth, bromance.........………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Very similar concept the beaten-up bullied kid gets mistaken as some dangerous dude. He tries to keep it a secret and while also helping other bullied kids. Its funny and short. It you liked boyhood you might actually like this drama special even more.
Both of these show old k high school life. Funny and adventurous fight scenes. teen love, old high school gang culture, old-style fashion, nerd to-hero, character developments

7.7 2019

they have a similar plot of weak boy getting strong but in this case lookism is a body switching one
Both have a student who is bullied and he learns to fight and gets his revenge. The plot are highly similar and this movie overall produced excellent