This Servant Is Not Simple (2023)


Sassy Beauty

7.6 2022

Both dramas have one of the leads entering a VR/game historical world in which they must accomplish tasks/earn points to return home.
Both dramas have one of the leads entering a VR/game historical world in which they must accomplish tasks/earn points to return home.
Both dramas have one of the leads entering a VR historical world. ................................................................
Both dramas have one of the leads entering a VR/game historical world in which they must accomplish tasks/earn points to return home.
Both dramas have one of the leads entering a VR/game historical world in which they must accomplish tasks/earn points to return home.
To Get Her

7.8 2019

Both dramas have one of the leads entering a VR/game historical world in which they must accomplish tasks/earn points to return home.
Both dramas have one of the leads entering a VR/game historical world in which they must accomplish tasks/earn points to return home.
Both dramas have a light tone and both FLs are bandits. ...................................................................................
Both dramas have a light tone and both FLs are bandits. ...................................................................................
Both dramas are historical and both FLs are bandits. ...................................................................................
Both dramas have a light tone and one of the leads in both are bandits. ...................................................................................
Man Transmigrates into the past and gets into a relationship with two women. Both whom have statuses above his own.