Numbers (2023)


REVENGE: its all about the money and power, with the weapon being numbers! • BOTH have a theme of revenge for the death of a parent-like figure that is not biologically related to the ML • BOTH have a ML with an affinity for numbers, either calculations or memorization • BOTH fight against the corruption of the systems in place, as well as the violent businessmen behind-the-scenes • BOTH have a release date of the same year (2023)
Feels like the both of the dramas have same vibes The devil judge & Numbers

7.9 2022

both are set in a similar environment which deals with auditing, taxation and accounting. also, both have a cool main character that does an investigation to take down his workplace because of corruption
both deal with taxation, accounts and audit in a way normal people understand.
If you are looking for dramas about work environment, office events and leads who should figure out their problems in a job theme, these two dramas look similar

7.5 2020

Both are office dramas that feature everyday life of office workers and their problems. The settings are different. One is a journalist world and the orher is about accountants. There is no romance
The Auditors

8.2 2024

- It has the same concept as ML is always playing with numbers - Only difference is they are in different fields (Numbers- Accounting Firm, Auditors- Construction Company)

8.8 2017

Both the shows have following Smart male lead Insider investigation Corruption Politics Wanting justice
These two sounds so similar in terms of plot settings except for the line of work both deal with smart male leads who want to fight against workplace corruption and a whole lot of related consequences

8.1 2018

Numbers really reminded me of suits the whole under dog male lead concept becoming the smartest and the mentor mentee realtionship with his senior accountant

8.3 2019

A case involving the hidden truth behind the law prohibiting double jeopardy. When Choi Do Hyun was a boy, he had a heart disease. He spent most of his childhood in a hospital. He miraculously had a chance for a heart transplant. Right after the successful heart transplant surgery, his father was accused of murder. His father received the death penalty. To investigate his father's case, Do Hyun now works as a lawyer.