Delivery Man (2023)


Male lead providing services to ghosts instead of living humans. Both are romantic comedies with ghost involved, gives off very similar vibes.
The main element of the show is tied to the mobile cell phone which is needed to communicate to the human world to solve the protagonist predicament ......
Dear Prince

7.6 2017

Each has a ghost needing to find answers. Both also have a scene that reminded me of each other. In Dear Prince ML ghost is pulled to FL on scooter since tethered to fob & in Delivery Man FL ghost gets pulled to car as if tethered to it.
Taxi Driver

8.8 2021

Both ML are Taxi drivers Although both dramas are completely different they have comedy and suspense in IT
both shows have living humans help ghost go peacefully into the afterlife. Humanistic feel and touch for a lovely ending just like S1