Designated Love (2022)


Love Crossed

8.0 2021

A girl who just broke up with her boyfriend finds a new love in designated character from a game... (Who looks quite alike a person she knows)
Both involve games, which avatars looks like real people in the player's life... The interactions between the player's avatars and the real-life people are alike and the people are influencing their reality, because of the game. MOA is a bit more fantasy-orientedcand a lot creeper.., while DL is more romantic-oriented.
My Holo Love

8.1 2020

In both, the FL works an office job and gets an opportunity to test out new technology. The ML is a real world person as well as a character within a game or a hologram.
Somehow, Designated Love reminds me of Miss Gu's 100 Confessions! The fact that it involves an immersive AR game and that it is all because of the male lead.