Crash (2024)


Taxi Driver

8.8 2021

Music, direction and feel is very similar. So similar that IMO, it opens itself up to a cross over for Taxi Driver season 3.
It is also deals with peculiar cases in every episodes and Male lead has some past and he overcomes it by solving the cases . The team environment pretty similar and in First Responders it is much more fun and interesting. If you like crash , go for this .
They're both fun detective dramas. You will literally have so much fun watching either, honestly because both of them have a team and each character has their own personality and they work so well together
The concept is slight similar - Police working in Traffic Division (Crash - TCI, H&R Squad - Hit & Run also catching a villian) - Team trying their best to nab the criminals - Nowadays its trending of remaking dramas from movies I believe this drama might be loosely inspired or adapted from this movie
Flex X Cop

8.7 2024

Police that work together as a team, mixed with comedy. Both FL kind of similar, but in flexxcop the ML is eccentric and in crash he is the opposite