Three Meals a Day: Doctors (2021)


All Three Meals a Day seasons are a must watch, Three Meals a Day: Mountain Village is the most similar in vibe to Three Meals a Day: Doctors
This was a great season of Three Meals a Day. A must watch if you're looking for something similar to watch after Three Meals a Day: Doctors
Yoo Yeon Seok running a cafe in Jeju Island with his close friends, enjoy friendships between actors and the plentiful guest appearances from the likes of chef Baek Jong Won, Nam Joo Hyuk, Exo's Sehun, Kang Daniel and U-Know. The whole series has the most calm and healing vibes. Need I say more.
Enjoy seeing your favorite celebrity friends in a small rural village, running a supermarket, a lot of cooking with some amazing guest appearances. This one is a must watch if you liked Three Meals a Day: Doctors
Youn's Stay

8.6 2021

Can't get enough of Na Producer's brilliant variety shows? Want to see more healing cooking variety shows with heartwarming celebrity friendships? look no further than Na PD's Youn's Kitchen series