DNA Says Love You (2022)


Both series have a nostalgic feel of loving someone from the past but feels like someone in the present.
Three childhood friends that are separated when young, but all end up colliding/meeting again as adults. A mystery surrounds the reason for separation. Series has love, but its focus is also on friends and family.....with the question of is it possible to start again? Both has a serious undertone, but on the top it is all cute and fluffy with positive ending.
So here are a few similarities: - the ML /FL underwent a gender changing surgery (in DSILY female to male and in TFL male to female) - the couple knew each other since childhood (in TFL the ML is the not-blood.related uncle of the FL) - both main leads return (among other things) because of their love Actually over all the gender change is the only similar trope, as you might have notice TFL is not a BL. But TFL is so good as well. It definitely does not have the same vibes as DSILY, it‘s a bit darker and (of course) dramatic and emotional (not in a feel-good way). But anyways you should check it out!
Both involve the life of a person.... Born to be neither a male..nor a female.. or maybe both?! He/she is the main protagonist in it.
Both stories feature a trio of close friends, a minor/relatively un-angsty love triangle, and the concerns of the MCs as they return, years later, to their friends (and first love) after ftm sexually transitioning upon realizing they were intersex.
they're both bl series while dna says love you is a taiwanese series and coffee melody is a thai series in both, there's a barista ml
VIP Only

7.5 2023

I'm not talking about the story concept, but the background of these two series is similar. The similarity between the two is about the relationship between a customer and a waiter in a restaurant. Apart from that, the main characters of these two series are actually *spoiler alert: childhood friends, one of whom doesn't realize it. #pp
Make a Wish

6.8 2020

Both of these titles, starring Erek Lin, explore a character struggling with how their gender identity may impact their long-standing friendships. Both titles also utilize origami star wishes to inform viewers about feelings that aren't explicitly stated.
About Youth

8.0 2022

Both Taiwanese BLs about first love. Lots of sweet scenes between leads with lingering camera angles/shots to capture love. Some expected BL tropes tossed in for comfort. Both have amazing OST so you find yourself watching opening/ending credits for all eps....and astute fans of either will notice one similar piece of background music and also locations/items (Taiwanese BLs famous for little Easter eggs like this to other series).
While UMWA is fully reincarnation, DNA hints at a situation like this. There is a supernatural temple in DNA where a couple attempted to go out Romeo and Juliet style but one of them survived (so the urban legend goes.) Amber and Le investigate this but the main plot is not about them being reincarnated, while it is in UMWA. As an added bonus, DNA has great cinematography and music! Definitely worth your time :)
Pumpkin Time

7.6 2021

-Leads were childhood friends but had to leave each others' side and met several years later as adults but with a twist of unexplainable gender switch.
Plus & Minus

7.6 2022

Besides the fact that they are both taiwanese dramas, Dna says love you reminded me a lot of plus & minus, the main characters fit well together and they are both childhood friends and one had feelings for the other since childhood and the constant reminding us of the childhood memories one by one, episode by episode really remind me of each other, give it a watch, you will definitely not regret it
Another heart-warming, cute, adorable, light, sweet and fluffy BL with a happy ending. The sides characters help and support the main leads instead of being hindrances or competitors.
One character has a secret which makes them care even more for the other character in question. Another light, cute and fluffy BL with a happy ending.
What if someone you loved from your past whom you perceived as female, comes back as male? Would you recognize them or would they be too different? Would your feelings change or be the same?