Meet You (2021)


Historical Chinese dramas with a poisoned ML who has lost something because of it (his emotions or intelligence). The FL is able to cure/help him.
Both MLs are poisoned and become "foolish" as a result. Both FLs are engaged to the ML against their will but end up falling in love.
Both are fluffy, historically set dramas with a ML who is poisoned and an upbeat, cutesy FL. ..........................................................
Both are light historical dramas of identical short length. Both FLs are doctors/have medical skills, and both MLs have personality "quirks" (poisoned so they act childlike or two different personalities and memory loss). The FLs try to cure the MLs, the two soon fall in love and live together. Both dramas have a similar feel/tone.
Love Potion

6.9 2022

Both are shorter, fluffy dramas with a historical setting, and a poisoned ML. The FLs are able to cure/treat the ML.
Arranged/forced marriage turns into true love. ML has some problem only the FL discovers and is able to cure.
Another mini drama that you should that is similar to TOGYHS because: - FL forced to marry “stupid” ML - ML hides his real personality to catch the bad guys - Meet You is more light hearted than TOGYHS
Both are shorter dramas with a poisoned ML who the FL is the only one able to cure him. In both, the ML falls first.
Both are short, fluffy historical set dramas with a poisoned ML who can be helped/cured by the FL. ..................................................
- Arranged Marriage - Poisoned ML who becomes a ‘fool’ - Funny Female Lead - Family who protects the ML
Poisoned ML with a "uniqueness" regarding the FL (in Meet You she can fix him, in MFMR his blood causes her transformation). Both couples meet and end up in a relationship very quickly then a bit later truly fall in love and are devoted to each other. Both are shorter, light, and mostly fluffy romances.
Both are shorter, romance/historical dramas in which the FL is being married to the ML against her will. Both have a scene of the FL gambling with the ML able to accurately guess the number to help her win.